Pardon me. I'm new here.
I don't know much about what has been being talked about in ex-fundyland and I'm not across all the issues that have already been canvassed. In my ignorance, it's possible my gormless wanderings could be mistaken for deliberate references to others who are already writing about their own journeys.
So I'd just like to say at this point that this blog is written as a catharsis for me as I try and piece together my new life and make sense of the old one. I'm not saying I'm never going to tread on any toes but I want to say this: I haven't read widely on other blogs so any references here that bear resemblance to someone else's story are likely to be similar purely by co-incidence.
I really don't want to be doing a bunch of pre-writing research or over-editing my personal story. I just want to get some stuff off my chest. This blog is public for now in case it turns out to be more broadly helpful, but if that turns out to be something that gets a bit sticky....well, I'll review that as necessary.
End of public service announcement.
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